Angular directive

vumeter source

  • Attribute
  • Element


templateId String

(Optional) The templateId of a registered template (@see vuMeterConfig.registerTemplate). If not defined the default svg vumeter template will be used

sourceId String

(Optional) The ID of the html audio element. If not defined the microphone will be used as default input

isActive Boolean

(Optional) Enable or disable the VU meter. Enabled if not defined


<!-- VU meter with microphone input -->
<!-- VU meter with microphone input enabled/disabled -->
<vu-meter is-active="isActive"></vu-meter>
<!-- VU meter with other audio sources (mp3, OGG, etc.) -->
<vu-meter is-active="isActive" source-id="mySong"></vu-meter>
<audio id="mySong" controls="true">
    <source src="./assets/kevin_MacLeod-Slow_Burn.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.